weekend of awesomeness…
This weekend is a double header, you guys. That means two weddings in one weekend… and I could NOT be anymore excited!!!! Both couple are amazing and unique and so stinking cute together, I just can’t contain myself. EEEEEEK!!!!!! I’ll be sharing both of their engagement sessions, which actually both happened at The Raleigh Rose Garden… crazy!
First up on engagement shoots to share is Jennifer and Tony!
jennifer and tony
They are just the sweetest. Holy moly. Back in May when I first pulled up at the Raleigh Rose Garden, the sky was just starting to turn gray and the air was getting a bit cooler. I didn’t think anything of it, it wasn’t supposed to rain! By the time I walked down into the garden though… torrential downpour!!! And it did… not… stop! I ran underneath the shelter they had there and met them under the rainiest of circumstances. Normally, we would reschedule… but you know, there was something magical about this rain. And Jennifer and Tony just went with the flow. It didn’t stop and it soaked EVERYTHING, but we made it work! We learned all sorts of fun facts about each other, talked a bit about the wedding, and just laughed. And laughed some more. And let me tell you, Jennifer has the most AMAZING laugh, so it was perfect!
We walked in the rain, I splashed in some puddles, and we made it work. And at the end, out turned the most BEAUTIFUL picture ever (you’ll just have to wait till the end to see it)!!!
This Saturday, as their families and friends join together at Cafe Luna downtown, they will be joined together in marriage. And I cannot WAIT for the funness, the joy, and all the love that we’ll be a witness to. For now… enjoy their engagement pics, because their wedding will be just as epic! Let’s just hope not as rainy ;)