This is Jake. He is the ultimate sweetheart. He loves to smile and laugh and gives more hugs than ANYONE I know -I even got a bunch!!! Jake was called to the torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 26, 2019, at Temple Beth Or and it was SUCH a great day!
what is a bar mitzvah when it’s right before halloween?
“So close to Halloween?” you say? Well, do you know what kind of awesomeness that means? He celebrated with a BOO Mitzvah party at Mia Francesca's of North Hills! Yes! Halloween was the theme! It was so. much. fun! All of the decorations were autumn and Halloween themed -balloons, table markers, candy, and tabletop decorations. PLUS a super fun photo booth with lots of different types of costume accessories. The DJ even had the guests doing a zombie dance at one point! ALSO… all the games. So many games! Hula hoop, sack race, balloon stuffing, limbo, and more! There was even a raffle!
The most anticipated bit of mitzvah celebrations seems to be the Hora. Don’t miss the last photo of Jake’s sheer joy up in his chair! He is positively glowing with happiness. Relatedly, I photographed his sister, Brooke’s, Bat Mitzvah a few years ago (which you can see here!) and HER picture of doing the hora looks eerily similar… they’re both just SO HAPPY!
mazel tov, jake!
What an outstanding celebration of smart, sweet Jake and his hard work and dedication. Mazel Tov, Jake! Your family is soooo proud of you!
Vendor Recap:
Ceremony - Temple Beth Or
Party Space - Mia Francesca's at North Hills
DJ - K2Productions
Balloons - Amazing Balloons Inc