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let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, I was a special education teacher. Ok, so not that long ago... technically, it was less than a year ago. During my 14-year teaching stint, I met some amazing people... students, parents, teachers, all of the above. I went from classroom teacher in a special ed school in Virginia to classroom teacher in a public school in North Carolina to being an itinerant at 20+ schools working as a vision impairment teacher. I quit working for Wake County one year ago last week (but who's keeping track, right?) and instead joined a private company doing the same thing, thinking I could work less house teaching to focus more on my photography. I thought I could have the best of both worlds.

I was wrong. And in August of 2017, I said goodbye to classrooms and hello to my home office filled with lenses and camera equipment. And while photography is my passion and my day dream coming true, there are still parts of being in the teaching community that I miss.

One of those factors is the people that I worked with.

enter the mahmood family.

Sania worked with me as in itinerant in Wake County, and when I first met her she was pregnant with her first daughter, Zayna. I learned a LOT about my job from Sania, and when she left Wake County to go private, I was super sad. Thankfully, I got to take her family pictures and we still kept in touch! She couldn't get rid of me that easily. When I decided that, well, maaaaaybe this whole photography thing could work out but I didn't want to quit teaching altogther just yet, I reached out to Sania and we became work buddies again! When I decided to end teaching for good, she had just surprised me with the news that she was expecting again and I was THRILLED for her! And for me... that also meant I would get another chance to see her!

home sessions

I love at home newborn sessions. It's so personal! And this session was no exception. Going to Sania's and meeting their new baby girl Emma, I was sooooo excited to see the family again! It was even better taking pictures in their personal space... it's a space they may not stay at forever, but at this moment... it's home. The family cuddled on the bed together, and Zayna got to hold her baby sister and kiss her sweet forehead. She read her a book in the crib, and even I got to play dolls before I left, something that I don't get to do very often living in a house of boys. There was pink and hair bows and little girl giggles and just pure awesomeness. 

It was one of those sessions that reminds me how much I love my job and that my choice was best for me. And that I'm just so damn lucky! 

Congrats to the Mahmood Family, many blessings and love for you all!


My name is Audrey, and I am a lover of light and all things that create emotions. Rose Trail Images is a way for me to share my love of capturing smiles, laughter, and all the amazing in between stuff that creates our lives.

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